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Home > Zooz 500 Series Light Switches (Discontinued) > ZEN22 VER. 2.0 VS VER. 3.0: What's the Difference
ZEN22 VER. 2.0 VS VER. 3.0: What's the Difference
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This is product is discontinued and replaced with ZEN72.

What does that mean?

Our best-selling dimmer just got better. 

Enjoy the same reliable dimmer with more features. We haven't introduced any serious changes to the hardware with VER. 3.0. - the dimmer can still connect to your regular on/off switch in a 3-way in the same way as VER. 2.0 (use the same diagrams). It's still rated for 500 W and will be able to handle 50 W more LEDs than the S2 ZEN27 model. We added a few extra settings that you've asked for, together with some improvements we thought you'd appreciate.

Here is how the ZEN22 VER. 3.0 compares to VER. 2.0 (VER. 1.0 is ancient history so we don't include it not to confuse you even more!).

Not sure which version or model number you have? Just see the box or back of your switch, it's all printed there.

If something here isn't clear or you'd like to see more attributes added to the list, just let us know!



ZEN22 VER. 3.0

ZEN22 VER. 2.0


Rewire both boxes

Rewire both boxes


Load and line in same box only

Load and line in same box only

Factory reset

Tap-tap-tap’n’hold the upper paddle

Through Z-Wave exclusion only




LED Indicator

Change mode by tapping any paddle 6 times quickly

Change mode through advanced settings (parameters) only

OTA Updates

You can update the firmware over the air

You can update the firmware over the air if the date sticker is 0418 or higher

Built-in Timer

Available through advanced settings

Not available

Paddle Control

Option for on/off control from any paddle through advanced settings

Option for on/off control from either upper or lower paddle only

Ramp Rate

Fully adjustable through advanced settings

2 speeds available through advanced settings if the date sticker is 0418 or higher

Double Tap to Full Brightness

Yes (whether the switch is off or on)

Yes (only if the switch is off and if the date sticker is 0418 or higher)

Min/Max Brightness

Set up minimum or maximum brightness levels through advanced settings

Not available

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