Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for the ZSE44 Temperature | Humidity XS Sensor:
Battery Reporting
700 Series:
Parameter 1: Set the threshold for battery reporting.
Values: 10-50 (%). Default: 20
Size: 1 byte dec
800 Series:
Parameter 1: Set the threshold for battery reporting.
Values: 1-10 (%). Default: 5
Size: 1 byte dec
Parameter 2: Decide when the sensor should report low battery to the hub.
Values: 5-20 (% battery life). Default: 10
Size: 1 byte dec
Reporting Threshold
700 Series:
Parameter 3: Set the reporting threshold for your temperature sensor. The device will report any changes in temperature once the reading exceeds the value from this setting compared to the last report.
Values: 10 – 100 (degrees Fahrenheit, where value 10 equals 1 degree). Default: 20 (2 degrees).
Size: 1 byte dec
800 Series:
Parameter 3: Set the reporting threshold for your temperature sensor. The device will report any changes in temperature once the reading exceeds the value from this setting compared to the last report.
Values: 0 - disabled; 1 – 100 (degrees Fahrenheit, where value 1 equals .1 degree, value 10 = 1 degree, value 20 = 2 degrees, value 100 = 10 degrees, etc). Default: 10 (1 degree).
Size: 1 byte dec
700 Series:
Parameter 4: Set the reporting threshold for your humidity sensor. The device will report any changes in humidity once the reading exceeds the value from this setting compared to the last report.
Values: 1 – 50 (%). Default: 10.
Size: 1 byte dec
800 Series:
Parameter 4: Set the reporting threshold for your humidity sensor. The device will report any changes in humidity once the reading exceeds the value from this setting compared to the last report.
Values: 0 - disabled; 1– 50 (%). Default: 5.
Size: 1 byte dec
Temperature Alerts
700 Series:
Parameter 5: Set the temperature level for a heat alert notification to be sent to your hub and devices associated in Group 2.
Values: 50 – 120 (degrees Fahrenheit). Default: 120.
Size: 1 byte dec
800 Series:
Parameter 5: Set the temperature level for a heat alert notification to be sent to your hub and devices associated in Group 2.
Values: 50 – 200 (degrees Fahrenheit). Default: 200.
Size: 1 byte dec
Parameter 6: Decide if and how the sensor should report a heat alert.
Values: 0 – no notifications sent to the hub or association groups; 1 – notification sent to the hub only; 2 – Basic Set On command sent to devices in Group 2 only; 3 – notification sent to the hub (lifeline) and Basic Set On to the devices associated in Group 2; 4 – Basic Set Off command sent to devices in Group 2 only; 5 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set Off to the devices associated in Group 2; 6 – Basic Set On and Off commands sent to devices in Group 2 only; 7 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set On and Off to the devices associated in Group 2 (default).
- For value 2,3,4,5 the basic command will be issued when current temperature is greater than Parameter 5.
- For value 6 and 7, the basic on will be issued when current temperature is greater than Parameter 5 and the basic off command will be issued when current temperature is less than Parameter 5 minus 2. Example: Parameter 5 is set to 50, basic set on will be issued when current value is greater than 50 and basic set off will be issued when current value is less than 48
Size: 1 byte dec
700 Series:
Parameter 7: Set the temperature level for a freeze / low temperature alert notification to be sent to your hub and devices associated in Group 3.
Values: 10 – 100 (degrees Fahrenheit). Default: 10.
Size: 1 byte dec
800 Series:
Parameter 7: Set the temperature level for a freeze / low temperature alert notification to be sent to your hub and devices associated in Group 3.
Values: 0 – 100 (degrees Fahrenheit). Default: 10.
Size: 1 byte dec
Parameter 8: Decide if and how the sensor should report a low temperature / freeze alert.
Values: 0 – no notifications sent to the hub or association groups; 1 – notification sent to the hub only; 2 – Basic Set On command sent to devices in Group 3 only; 3 – notification sent to the hub (lifeline) and Basic Set On to the devices associated in Group 3; 4 – Basic Set Off command sent to devices in Group 3 only; 5 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set Off to the devices associated in Group 3; 6 – Basic Set On and Off commands sent to devices in Group 3 only; 7 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set On and Off to the devices associated in Group 3 (default).
- For value 2,3,4,5 the basic command will be issued when current temperature is less than Parameter 7.
- For value 6 and 7, the basic on will be issued when current temperature is less than Parameter 7 and the basic off command will be issued when current temperature is greater than Parameter 7 plus 2. Example: Parameter 7 is set to 20, basic set on will be issued when current value is less than 20 and basic set off will be issued when current value is greater than 22.
Size: 1 byte dec
Humidity Alerts
Parameter 9: Set the humidity level for a high humidity alert notification to be sent to your hub and devices associated in Group 4.
Values: 0 – disabled (default); 1 – 100 (%).
Size: 1 byte dec
Parameter 10: Decide if and how the sensor should report a high humidity alert.
Values: 0 – no notifications sent to the hub or association groups; 1 – notification sent to the hub only; 2 – Basic Set On command sent to devices in Group 4 only; 3 – notification sent to the hub (lifeline) and Basic Set On to the devices associated in Group 4; 4 – Basic Set Off command sent to devices in Group 4 only; 5 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set Off to the devices associated in Group 4; 6 – Basic Set On and Off commands sent to devices in Group 4 only; 7 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set On and Off to the devices associated in Group 4 (default).
- For value 2,3,4,5 the basic command will be issued when current temperature is greater than Parameter 9.
- For value 6 and 7, the basic on will be issued when current temperature is greater than Parameter 9 and the basic off command will be issued when current temperature is less than Parameter 9 minus 5. Example: Parameter 9 is set to 50, basic set on will be issued when current value is greater than 50 and basic set off will be issued when current value is less than 45.
Size: 1 byte dec
Parameter 11: Set the humidity level for a low humidity alert notification to be sent to your hub and devices associated in Group 5.
Values: 0 – disabled (default); 1 – 100 (%).
Size: 1 byte dec
Parameter 12: Decide if and how the sensor should report a low humidity alert.
Values: 0 – no notifications sent to the hub or association groups; 1 – notification sent to the hub only; 2 – Basic Set On command sent to devices in Group 5 only; 3 – notification sent to the hub (lifeline) and Basic Set On to the devices associated in Group 5; 4 – Basic Set Off command sent to devices in Group 5 only; 5 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set Off to the devices associated in Group 5; 6 – Basic Set On and Off commands sent to devices in Group 5 only; 7 – notification sent to the hub and Basic Set On and Off to the devices associated in Group 5 (default).
- For value 2,3,4,5 the basic command will be issued when current temperature is less than Parameter 11.
- For value 6 and 7, the basic on will be issued when current temperature is less than Parameter 11 and the basic off command will be issued when current temperature is greater than Parameter 11 plus 5. Example: Parameter 11 is set to 20, basic set on will be issued when current value is less than 20 and basic set off will be issued when current value is greater than 25.
Size: 1 byte dec
Temperature Reporting Unit
Parameter 13: Decide whether you'd like the sensor to report in Fahrenheit or Celsius. Remember that this setting may be overwrote by the location settings in your Z-Wave hub so check these as well.
Values: 0 – Celsius; 1 – Fahrenheit (default).
Size: 1 byte dec
Reporting Offset
Parameter 14: Set the reporting offset on your temperature sensor in case you see any reporting discrepancies after 48 hours of using the sensor.
Values: 0 - 200 (degrees Fahrenheit, where value 0 equals -10 degrees, value 100 equals 0 degrees, and value 200 equals +10 degrees). Default: 100.
Size: 1 byte dec
*Some hubs, like Hubitat and SmartThings, allow for a more intuitive display, and the values available will show as -10 to 10, and can accept non-whole values (9.6, 8.2, etc.) Default 0.
Parameter 15: Set the reporting offset on your humidity sensor in case you see any reporting discrepancies after 48 hours of using the sensor.
Values: 0 - 200 (%, where value 0 equals -10%, value 100 equals 0%, and value 200 equals +10%). Default: 100.
Size: 1 byte dec
*Some hubs, like Hubitat and SmartThings, allow for a more intuitive display, and the values available will show as -10 to 10, and can accept non-whole values (9.6, 8.2, etc.) Default 0.
Reporting Interval
Parameter 16: Set the reporting interval for your temperature sensor. The device will report a new temperature reading at least as often as set in this parameter, regardless of the temperature reporting threshold setting.
Values: 0 – reporting interval disabled, the sensor will report based on the reporting threshold setting only; 1 – 480 (minutes). Default: 240.
Size: 2 byte dec
Parameter 17: Set the reporting interval for your humidity sensor. The device will report a new humidity reading at least as often as set in this parameter, regardless of the humidity reporting threshold setting.
Values: 0 – reporting interval disabled, the sensor will report based on the reporting threshold setting only; 1 – 480 (minutes). Default: 240.
Size: 2 byte dec
Remember to click the Z-Wave button 4 times quickly to wake the sensor up after updating the settings. You may see a drop in battery power after programming the sensor but it should go back to its regular levels within a few hours (this is due to smaller capacity in coin batteries).
Command classes supported by the sensor:
Your Temperature | Humidity XS Sensor can be updated via OTA firmware updates, here is how to do that. You can access all firmware files here once you register your product and create an account here. Need more help? Please reach out to our customer service, we reply to emails 7 days a week!