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Home > Plugs > ZEN14 Double Outdoor Plug > ZEN14 & SmartThings > How to Add Your ZEN14 Double Outdoor Plug to SmartThings
How to Add Your ZEN14 Double Outdoor Plug to SmartThings
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Add your ZEN14 Double Outdoor Plug to SmartThings in a few easy steps. You'll be able to control the device connected to your plug from the app, create on/off schedules for it and use it in more complex automations. If you have your smart speaker connected to SmartThings, you'll also be able to control the plug with voice commands.

We recommend installing the custom lua Edge driver for your double plug so you can take advantage of the advanced settings of the device as well. Click here for detailed installation instructions.

It's best to add your plug from the target location to establish the best route from the hub on day one.


Here's how to add your Outdoor Plug to SmartThings: 

  1. Tap the plus icon in the home screen
  2. Tap Add device
  3. Tap "Scan QR code"
  4. Scan the QR code on the label printed on your Outdoor Plug device
  5. Plug the Outdoor Plug into a receptacle and follow the prompts on the screen to complete the set-up (if prompted to activate the device, please click the Z-Wave button on the plug 3 times quickly)
  6. The app will indicate when the device connects
  7. Tap Edit to rename the device, and tap Done to save the name
  8. Tap Done to complete the setup


Having issues including the plug to SmartThings? You may need to reset it via the hub. The best way to approach this is through a Z-Wave exclusion from the SmartThings app (it works even if the plug has never been added to SmartThings before):

  1. Open your SmartThings app and locate your SmartThings hub under Devices. Tap the hub to see the device details. 
  2. Tap the three dots in the upper right hand corner and tap Settings

  3. Tap Z-Wave Utilities 
  4. Tap Z-Wave Exclusion
  5. While the app is searching for a device, press the Z-Wave button on the device 3 times as quickly as possible
  6. The app will indicate when the device is successfully removed. Tap Done


Now you can try adding the plug again.


If you need any additional assistance, please get in touch here. We'll be happy to help!

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