So your ZEN34 is properly included and you're ready to program it? Read on!
Zooz products are officially integrated with the Z-Wave Plus and the Z-Wave JS Front-End of HomeSeer. If you're experiencing issues with accessing the advanced settings of your device or the unit not properly displaying, we would recommend first updating to the Z-Wave Plus or the Z-Wave JS Front-End, then excluding and re-including your device to your network in order for it to be recognized correctly.
We've included two methods for programming below, Direct Association and Central Scene. We would recommend reading more about Direct Association programming here before choosing the best programming method.
Direct Association
1. Select Plugins:
2. Select Z-Wave Plus and click "Manage Associations":
3. Go through drop down menus, selecting the Z-Wave network, devices to be associated, and the association group:
4. A message will appear below saying if the association was successful or if an error was encountered:
Central Scene Programming
Central scene programming allows a Z-Wave device (usually a controller like a switch or remote) to send scene activation commands to the hub or gateway. The hub interprets these commands and determines what actions to take. This method requires the Z-Wave hub or controller to process the commands and execute the automation. Some benefits of using central scene is that you can program multiple actions based on button presses, such as single tap, double tap, triple tap, and press-and-hold gestures. It offers high flexibility in automations, as the hub can trigger complex scenes involving multiple devices and conditions.
We've included the steps for programming central scene via the Z-Wave Plus plugin; Z-Wave JS Front End also supports Central Scene Programming and we cover that below.
Z-Wave Plus
1. Select Events:
2. Click on the + symbol to add new event and name it:
3. Select Newly Made Event and go through drop down menus. We recommend selecting the device first, "Central Scene" variant
4. Make sure to select the trigger type as listed for scene control. The trigger VALUE is for specific function requested that triggers the scene:
5. Go through "THEN" drop down menus, selecting the type of action to be done, i.e. "control a device":
6. Select the device/s to be controlled or affected:
7. Select the specific action to be taken (on, off, dimmer % etc.):
Please let us know if you have any questions!