Control your Double Switch's light dimmer and on/off relay separately or together in the Wink app, or add the device to custom Robots.
While you're able to take advantage of the Double Switch's most important functionality, remote control and monitoring of the dimmer and on/off relay, Wink's interface currently doesn't give you access to the device's advanced settings and parameter inputs. However, you will be able to customize the device locally somewhat from the device itself (tap the paddle 6 times quickly to change the LED indicator mode, tap'n'hold the paddle 4 times to disable the relay for smooth smart bulb control). When adding the Double Switch to Wink, be sure to add it as a Generic Z-Wave Switch:
- Click on Hubs
- Click on Settings (the three dots in the upper right corner)
- Click on your hub (most likely named Wink Hub)
- Scroll down to Settings and click on Z-Wave Controls
- Click on Inclusion Mode
- Tap the UPPER paddle of the dimmer 3 times very quickly
- Rename your Double Switch and start automating!
* If you’re using an S2 hub, it will ask you to enter the DSK PIN or scan the QR code printed on the metal faceplate of the switch to complete SmartStart inclusion.
If you've tried the above but it's just not working out, here's what to try next.
If you have any questions about the process above or want to know more about Wink's functionality, let our team know!