If your device has difficulties adding to your hub, you could try excluding it first.
Even if the ZEN30 was never paired successfully with your hub, you can still use your Hubitat app to remove the device. A notification from the hub will confirm that an "unknown" device was excluded. First check if you have the latest Hubitat verison installed. Once you have verified that the hub version is correct, use these steps to exclude your ZEN30 from Hubitat:
Open Hubitat in your Internet browser
Go to Devices
Click on + Add Device in the top right corner
Click on Z-Wave
Click on Start Z-Wave Exclusion
While the device is searching for a device, tap the LOWER paddle on the dimmer 3 times as quickly as possible
The app will indicate when the device is successfully excluded.
Once you've given exclusion a try, add the Double Switch again using the process shown here. If you're still unable to pair your ZEN30 after exclusion, here are some helpful tricks to try:
Give the exclusion process another go. Commands from the first try may not register correctly, so additional attempts can be helpful.
Perform the inclusion process again, only this time instead of tapping the paddle 3 times, tap it 4-5 times as quickly as possible, in case the switch did not register the action correctly.
You may be seeing issues of range or connectivity. Try adding a Z-Wave signal repeater (any non-battery powered Z-Wave device) to see if that helps make communication easier between the Double Switch and hub. If you have a hand-held secondary controller (like a Z-Stick), you can use it to help connect the ZEN30.
And if you find that the ZEN30 is paired but unresponsive to remote commands, take a look at these connectivity troubleshoots that may help.
If you're still having trouble with your Double Switch no matter what you try, please reach out to us! We're here to help.