Excluding or removing the Q Sensor from your hub system can help with a variety of configuration issues.
The process acts as a soft reset for the device and can be done even if the ZSE11 was never successfully included or a part of your Z-Wave network.
800 series only: Exclusion before inclusion applies to the 700 series and earlier chip sets. The 800 series devices will not exclude before they have been included; please factory reset the unit instead, then try inclusion again.
Here are the steps for excluding your ZSE11 sensor:
- Bring the sensor within 3 feet of your Z-Wave hub
- Put your Z-Wave hub into exclusion mode (see your controller's manual for details, as each brand is different)
- Press and release the Z-Wave button 3 times quickly
- Your hub should confirm exclusion; the sensor will disappear from your device list
Once exclusion is completed, try re-including the sensor to your hub.
If your sensor still has trouble communicating with the hub, here are some other things to try:
- Give the exclusion process another chance in case it didn't work on the first go.
- Press the Z-Wave button 4-5 times during inclusion in case 3 presses aren't being registered.
- If excluding/including from the installation location, try it again within direct range of the hub. If the second try is successful, the original spot may be out of range.
- Try swapping the power supply from USB to battery, or battery to USB in case it's a power related issue. Just make sure to exclude and re-include the device so that the batteries aren't drained if the unit was previously powered by USB (making it a signal repeating device - which is how the hub will continue to recognize it if not properly excluded/re-included).
Still having trouble with your Q Sensor? Send us a message!