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How to Add Your ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to SmartThings
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This is product is discontinued and replaced with ZEN72.

What does that mean?

Before adding your dimmer to SmartThings, make sure it works fine when controlled and dimmed manually. 

And if everything's good to go with manual control, regardless of which app you're using, the dimmer will work with SmartThings out of the box, you'll just need to install the lua Edge driver before including the dimmer to access the advanced settings.

Check out the inclusion instructions below to add your ZEN22 to SmartThings 

  1. Tap the plus icon in the home screen
  2. Tap Device
  3. Tap "Scan nearby" (in the corner of the screen)
  4. While the app says "Scanning...", tap the UPPER paddle 3 times very quickly (LED indicator will start flashing)
  5. The app will indicate when the device connects
  6. Tap Edit to rename the device, and tap Done to save the name
  7. Tap Done to complete the setup


Once the dimmer is included, it never hurts to perform network repair to optimize connectivity. This will help SmartThings find the best communication route to the switch. Click here to learn how to repair the network. 

But if you can't seem to include your dimmer to SmartThings, we'd recommend excluding it using the instructions here and then trying inclusion again. 

If you have any questions about the process or you're running into issues, please reach out to us

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