This tiny device has plenty of custom options, like adjustable motion sensitivity & re-trigger interval.
You'll need to change the advanced parameters through your Vera interface to personalize your sensor. Check out the process below, which is the same for all advanced options.
1. Open your Vera online interface (the browser dashboard, not the app)
2. Click on the Zooz ZSE18 Motion Sensor
3. Go to Device Options
4. Click on Add configuration settings
5. Put in the following:
To change motion sensitivity:
- Variable = 12
- Data Size = 1 byte dec
- Desired Value = [1 to 8 where 1 is low sensitivity and 8 is high sensitivity]
For re-trigger interval:
- Variable = 18
- Data Size = 2 byte dec
- Desired Value = [choose between 3 and 65535 where 3 stands for 6 seconds and 65535 stands for 65538 seconds - so add 3 seconds to each value for the true interval]
6. Click on Save Changes
7. Press and release the Z-Wave button 3 times quickly just like during inclusion to make sure the commands go through
Let us know if you have any questions about the process above, and especially let us know if you run into any issues! We'll be happy to help get your device up and running.