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Home > Security Sensors & Sirens > ZEN55 Smoke & CO Detector Bridge > ZEN55 & Home Assistant > My ZEN55 Smoke & CO Detector Bridge Shows Offline in Home Assistant
My ZEN55 Smoke & CO Detector Bridge Shows Offline in Home Assistant
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Connectivity issues? Is your ZEN55 Smoke & CO Detector Bridge included and configured but showing offline and is unresponsive to commands from the hub? The best thing to try is running a network heal!

The exact range for any Z-Wave device is determined by the specific structure of your home and the strength of your mesh network. Large furniture, thick walls, metal elements and certain types of glass can shorten range. If you're seeing connectivity issues, give the network heal a try, as this will refresh the connections between your hub and devices to ensure that he hub can devise the most efficient route to each device.

  1. Click on the Z-Wave Control Panel in Home Assistant
  2. Under Z-Wave Network Management, click Heal Network

If your device is still not staying connected after healing the network, give these tips a try:

  1. Try excluding and re-including the device from your target location. It's possible that the hub hasn't found the best communication route to the device; exclusion from the target location can help it form a better route.
  2. If it's still not connecting, bring the device and the hub closer together to rule out any possible range or connectivity issues.

If none of the above helps, give a factory reset a try.

  1. Click the Z-Wave button once and immediately after, press and hold it down for 15 seconds.
  2. The LED indicator will flash red during the process and turn solid red for 3 seconds to confirm successful reset.


After resetting the unit, follow the same inclusion process as before. 


Still having trouble with your device? Send us a message so that we can help troubleshoot the issue.

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