To successfully pair your ZEN15 with your hub, you may need to exclude it first.
Excluding the device from Hubitat may help with any connection or configuration issues, and can be done even if it was never added to the hub’s network.
800 series only: Exclusion before inclusion applies to the 700 series and earlier chip sets. The 800 series devices will not exclude before they have been included; please factory reset the unit instead, then try inclusion again.
Before going through the removal process, you can also see if your Hubitat platform is operating on the latest version. After that, you can use the steps below to exclude your device:
Open Hubitat in your Internet browser
Go to Devices
Click on + Add Device in the top right corner
Click on Z-Wave
Click on Start Z-Wave Exclusion
While the device is searching for a device, click the Z-Wave button on the device 3 times as quickly as possible
The app will indicate when the device is successfully excluded.
Once you’ve gone through the exclusion steps, you can include your ZEN15 to your hub using these steps. If your Power Switch still has trouble pairing with Hubitat then you can try some of these helpful tips:
Try to exclude the Power Switch from your hub once more as commands may not have been recognized correctly the first time around.
Have another go at adding the device, this time instead of pressing the Z-Wave button 3 times, press it 4-5 times as quickly as possible.
Your ZEN15 may be out of range and need a Z-Wave signal repeater (any non-battery powered Z-Wave device) added to the network between it and the hub to improve communication. You can also try to add the Power Switch to Hubitat using a secondary hand-held controller, like a Z-stick, if you have one.
Lastly, if your Power Switch is connected to your hub, but not responding to Z-Wave commands, then you’ll need to look at these connectivity troubleshoots to resolve the issue.
Reach out to us if your ZEN15 continues to experience connection problems, we’re here to help.