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Home > Light Switches > Wiring for ZEN71, ZEN72, ZEN32 Switches > 3-Way Diagrams for ZEN71, ZEN72, and ZEN32 Switches
3-Way Diagrams for ZEN71, ZEN72, and ZEN32 Switches
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Here are 3 diagrams for the most popular 3-way wiring scenarios. These instructions are for the ZEN71, ZEN72, and ZEN32 models only.

Please read these tips before installing your switch:

  • These diagrams apply to the following models ONLY: ZEN71, ZEN72, and ZEN32. (If you have a ZEN73, ZEN74, ZEN76, or a ZEN77 switch, please click here).
  • A 3-way is what we call 2-point control so 2 different switches controlling the same set of lights (if you're looking for 3 point control with 3 switches in the install, click here).
  • The diagrams show all connections but ground (the ground wire was excluded in order to simplify the illustrations).
  • Colors and location of the common screw on the 3-way switches are just for illustration and will not always match your set-up so please don't follow the colors or screw orientation blindly.
  • You need to make changes in both boxes.
  • The Zooz switch goes into the box with the line in it except for option 2 where you have a choice of putting the switch in either box.
  • The 3-way configuration has to have a Zooz switch and a regular on/off 3-way switch at the other end. You won't have the option to dim from the regular 3-way switch (learn more about installing 2 switches together for dimming from both locations here). Always use simple on/off 3-way switches when connecting them to Zooz switches. No dimmers or electronic switches with a LED indicator may be wired to Zooz switches or dimmers.
  • Zooz doesn't work with any available add-on switches. Do NOT connect electronic add-on switches from other brands to any Zooz smart switches.
  • IMPORTANT: Once you connect your switches, please secure them in the box, making sure any bare wires and screws are isolated with electrical tape. After the switches are settled back in the box and the wall plate is re-installed, you can turn the power on and test the switches for on/off operation.


OPTION 1 (Load and line in the same box)

You'll usually see the power line in this box (a bundle of black wires if it's a double or triple box) and the black from your 14-3 romex will be connected to another black (most likely your lights) instead of being connected to the switch. This option can have a few variations depending on the creativity of the electrician who first wired the 3-way. Contact us if you can't match the diagrams exactly.




OPTION 2 (Load and line in separate boxes, the most common set-up)

You'll usually see the black from your 14-3 romex connected directly to the switch on both sides. This can also be wired using different parts of the 14-3 as traveler so if the diagrams almost match but not quite, please don't experiment, contact us first.

The first diagram shows the Zooz switch installed in the main box with direct connection to power (Option 2A) and the second diagram (Option 2B), shows the Zooz switch installed in the box with direct connection to the light (load).






If you don't have a power line in one of your switch boxes, this likely means that the power source is located by the light fixture. This means you won't be able to use Zooz switches in your set-up because they need direct connection to both power and neutral at the switch box. Fortunately, there are some options to tackle such installations, including our Dry Contact Relay ZEN51 that can be installed at the light fixture.


If you're unsure about the wiring process or are unable to match your wiring with the provided diagrams, please don't attempt the installation. Take images of your installation (click here for instructions to get it right the first time) and get in touch with our team if you have any questions or experience any issues so we can help you complete the wiring safely.


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