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Home > Scene Controllers & Remotes > ZEN32 Scene Controller > ZEN32 & Z-Box Hub > How to Program Your ZEN32 Scene Controller on Z-Box Hub
How to Program Your ZEN32 Scene Controller on Z-Box Hub
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With so many options available, let's get to programming the ZEN32 Scene Controller! From scene control (multi-tap) to direct association, programming the ZEN32 Scene Controller on the Z-Box Hub is simple and intuitive.

To program the multi-tap functions on the ZEN32, you can follow the standard block scene creation flow, or you can even program the scene straight from the ZEN32 Scene Controller device menu for a simplified and faster approach. 

Direct association is another way to program the ZEN32, which allows you to bypass the hub and have the ZEN31 send direct messages to another Z-Wave device. Please remember to ensure that the devices you are associating are included to the Z-Box with the exact same level of security.


With either programming option, you'll need to ensure that you're logged in to the WEB UI with a local connection (the same Wi-Fi network as your Z-Box Hub)


To Program Central Scene from the ZEN32 Scene Controller Device Menu:


1. If not on the Home Menu already, from the sidebar navigation menu of the Z-Box web interface, click on the house icon > hover over the device icon for which you want to create a scene, then click on the setting gear icon.


2. Click on the Advanced tab.


3. From the Button configuration menu, you can configure actions on the device button by creating dedicated scenes according to your needs.


4. For the below example, we will use the ZEN32 Scene Controller, for which you can create up to 35 different actions across all buttons.


5. To add an action click on Add Action next to the trigger of your choice.


6. You will be redirected to the New Block Scene general scene settings menu. Provide all required information and click Save to proceed.


7. The trigger will be set as per your selection. If required, you can change the button and trigger selection.


8. To assign an action, drag one of the tiles to the ‘Do the following’ section. Once you are done specifying the action, click Save.


To Set Up Direct Association from the ZEN32 Scene Controller Device Menu:


1. If not on the Home Menu already, from the sidebar navigation menu of the Z-Box web interface, click on the house icon > hover over the device icon for which you want to create a scene, then click on the setting gear icon.


2. Click on the Associations tab.


3. Choose your group for the associated device (Group 2 is for On/Off, Group 3 is Multilevel/Dimming).


4. Select your target device and click the symbol. Once done, hit Save.


Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions!



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