Inclusion issues got you down? Here's what to try:
Exclusion is the next thing to try. Exclusion is a soft reset that helps with a variety of configuration issues. Even if your sensor was never included to SmartThings, you can still exclude the device.
800 series only: Exclusion before inclusion applies to the 700 series and earlier chip sets. The 800 series devices will not exclude before they have been included; please factory reset the unit instead, then try inclusion again.
Here's how to do it in the SmartThings app:
- Open your SmartThings app and locate your SmartThings hub under Devices. Tap the hub to see the device details.
Tap the three dots in the upper right hand corner and tap Settings
- Tap Z-Wave Utilities
- Tap Z-Wave Exclusion
- While the app is searching for a device, click the Z-Wave button on the device 3 times very quickly
- The app will indicate when the device is successfully removed. Tap Done
Once exclusion is completed, try including the sensor again in your SmartThings Classic app.
If excluding and re-including the sensor didn't help, please let us know! Our team is ready to help solve this.