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Home > Scene Controllers & Remotes > ZEN32 Scene Controller > ZEN32 & SmartThings > My ZEN32 Scene Controller Shows Offline in SmartThings
My ZEN32 Scene Controller Shows Offline in SmartThings
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If your ZEN32 is included to SmartThings, but shows as offline or isn't responding to Z-Wave commands, then it could be out of range or experiencing some kind of connectivity issue. 

It's possible the hub hasn't found the most efficient route to reach the ZEN32 in it's target location. Network repair can help the hub form a better route to communicate with the Scene Controller. It's a helpful feature that allows you to refresh your mesh network's connections, so it's best to start here:


  1. Open your SmartThings app and locate your SmartThings hub under Devices. Tap the hub to see the device details. 
  2. Tap the three dots in the upper right hand corner and tap Settings

  3. Tap Z-Wave Utilities 
  4. Tap Repair Z-Wave Network 
  5. Tap Start Repair 

After starting the repair, you'll want to wait until you see the "Z-Wave Network Repair finished" message - this can take up to 15 minutes. Once you receive this confirmation, try sending a manual or Z-Wave command to the ZEN32. If it's still not responding, then you can try excluding and re-including the device so that the hub creates a new route to it.


If Network Repair didn't help and you have a Z-Wave signal repeater available, try installing it between the ZEN32 and hub and then perform Network Repair once more. A Z-Wave signal repeater is any non-battery powered Z-Wave device. This can be a Z-Wave smart plug, switch, relay, or even dedicated repeater. If the issue is one of range or a different type of interference, the repeater should help the hub stabilize communication with the Scene Controller. 


Another detail you can check is if your ZEN32 is installed in a plastic or metal switch box. Metal switch boxes, rather than plastic, can shorten range and interrupt Z-Wave signals. If your device is inside a metal box this may be why it keeps going offline. If possible, try adding a Z-Wave signal repeater between the device and hub, or try bringing your hub closer to it to see if it keeps dropping offline.


If you've tried all of the above and are still seeing the same issue, please don't hesitate to reach out! We're always happy to help.

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