To change any advanced settings for the Titan Valve Actuator, you'll need to install the Edge driver on your hub. Please complete the process before you include your Actuator to SmartThings for best results. Below are the instructions on how to install the new custom lua Edge driver for this model. It only takes a f…
Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for the ZEN05 Outdoor Smart Plug: LED Indicator Parameter 1 : Decide how the LED indicator behaves depending on the on/off status of the plug. The LED indicator will flash twice to confirm a setting has been changed. Values: 0 – LED indicator is on when the pl…
Your Double Switch can be customized using more than 20 different parameters. Play around with ramp rates, minimum and maximum brightness levels, LED indicator behavior, auto-on and auto-off timers, and so much more. Some settings, like LED indicator mode and disabling local control for use with smart bulbs, can be …
Even though the ZEN26 switch is officially integrated with Hubitat, it may need a custom device driver to access all of the available advanced settings. First, please check that your hub is running on the latest platform version. You can also see if your ZEN26 has the most recent firmware update . Then you can use …
With the SmartThings transition to a new platform (the lua platform ), the original Groovy custom device handlers are no longer supported. We have created new custom Edge drivers specifically for the lua platform. Please follow the instructions below on how to install the driver. If you haven't added one before, it…
We recommend using the community driver linked below for the best access to all of the advanced settings for the ZEN20. You'll want to confirm your Hubitat hub is on the latest platform version. You'll be able to see the settings under Preferences of the primary device in Hubitat (remember to save the device after…
This is product is discontinued and does not have a replacement yet. New product in development. What does that mean? Your Multisiren is customizable so that it better fits your needs and lifestyle. You can change things like the alarm siren duration and the reporting interval for the built-in temperature and humi…
The ZEN72 700 series Dimmer has a lot of cool advanced features, like enabling scene control and setting up smart bulb mode. Below are instructions for changing any parameter for your ZEN72 in your Vera interface; we used on/off status recovery as an example, but the same steps apply for any other parameter. The c…
With SmartThings transitioning to a new platform (the lua platform ), the old Groovy custom device handlers will now be unusable. But we've created a new custom Edge driver for the ZEN55 Smoke & CO Detector Bridge for the lua platform! Below are the instructions on how to install and if you haven't added one before…
Looking for the ZSE11's advanced settings in Home Assistant? The ZSE11 is integrated with the latest JS integration of Home Assistant . If you aren't on the JS integration yet, Home Assistant currently recommends handling Z-Wave devices through the new Z-Wave JS integration since all others have essentially been …