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Showing articles from ZSE42 tag

My ZSE42 Leak Sensor Shows No Connection on My Z-Box Hub

# My ZSE42 Leak Sensor Shows No Connection on My Z-Box Hub ## Does your ZSE42 Leak Sensor display "No Connection" on your Z-Box Hub? Check out the troubleshooting steps below! While a device may show as "No Connection" in a few cases, the Z-Box automatically refreshes the network and rebuilds the mesh on a regular b…

My ZSE42 Leak Sensor is Not Reporting Reliably To My Hub

## Have you installed and added your ZSE42 sensor to the hub, but you're not receiving accurate reports? Is your sensor consistently showing either wet or dry status, or is it failing to generate reports? Don't worry, we've compiled the most effective troubleshooting steps for you to try before contacting our support …

How to Access Advanced Settings for My ZSE42 Water Leak Sensor XS on the Z-Box

## It's never been easier! The ZSE42 Leak Sensor will be recognized and configured correctly by the Z-Box. Accessing and customizing the advanced settings is easy; just follow the steps below to customize your ZSE42 on the Z-Box Hub. To access and configure any advanced settings, you need to be logged in locally to y…

Can't Add My ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor to My Z-Box Hub

## Troubles including your new ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor? No worries, simply give the exclusion process a try! It sounds counter-intuitive, but exclusion is the most efficient way to resolve any inclusion or configuration issues. It can be done at any time, even if a device has never been included to the hub! it sim…

How to Add Your ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor to the Z-Box Hub

## The ZSE42 Water Leak Sensor will be recognized correctly on the Z-Box right out of the box, without any drivers or custom handlers! Once the device is powered, including the sensor to your Z-Box Hub is simple. You can add the sensor using the Z-Box web interface or the Z-Box Hub mobile app, and we've included instr…

What's the Difference Between the ZSE42 (700 Series) and the ZSE42 800LR (800 Series)

### The Zooz Z-Wave Leak Sensor was upgraded to the new 800 series Z-Wave chip and Z-Wave Long Range, like most devices in our product line. But we added a few more upgrades to this model. If you're wondering what the difference is between the older 700 series model and the new 800 series Z-Wave Long Range ZSE42 XS Le…

My ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor Shows Offline in Vera

# Is your ZSE42 not responding to Z-Wave commands? This suggests a range or connectivity issue. After adding your ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor successfully, the next best step is to refresh the mesh connections in your network. Utilize the **Update Neighbor Nodes **in Vera**. **This will allow Vera to find the most eff…

Can't Add My ZSE42 Open | Close XS Sensor to Vera

Having trouble including the ZSE42 to Vera? Start by excluding the sensor from your Vera hub. Exclusion acts as a soft reset to help with any set-up issues. Follow the steps below to exclude the ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor: 1. Tap the green **Retry** button in the bottom right corner of the app - this will put Vera…

My ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor is Unresponsive to My Z-Wave System

## Is your ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor offline or unresponsive to Z-Wave commands? Try the steps listed below: Sometimes obstructions like metal elements and thick walls can cause interference with the sensor's communication. The range for the device is determined by the individual structure of your home and the stren…

Can't Add My ZSE42 Water Leak XS Sensor to Hubitat

# Having issues including the ZSE42 XS Sensor to Hubitat? Try excluding the sensor first. Please ensure the platform is running on version 2.2.9 or higher. If you find you are unable to include the ZSE42 Sensor to Hubitat, please try the exclusion process first. This can be done even if it was never connected to the…

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