Trouble including your ZEN37 Wall Remote to SmartThings? First, make sure you have the Edge driver installed, then give the exclusion process a try! It works even for devices that have never been included to the hub before. Exclusion simply acts as a soft reset to help prepare the device to connect to the network.…
Having an issue including your ZEN54 0-10V Dimmer? It sounds strange, but the best and simplest resolution is a process called exclusion. Exclusion is also known as "unpairing," "disconnecting," or "removing" a device. This simple process acts as a soft Z-Wave reset that can assist with various configuration or conn…
Trouble including the ZEN54 to Hubitat? The best step to try is exclusion! Exclusion is a quick, easy process that can be done even if the device has never been included to Hubitat. It behaves as a soft Z-Wave reset for the device, and can resolve any connectivity or configuration issues. Important Note : A stead…
Trouble with inclusion? It may sound counterintuitive but give exclusion a try! Exclusion is simply a hub-based reset, and can be done at any time, whether a device has been included to the hub or not. It acts as a soft reset for the device and the process can help with any inclusion or configuration issues. Please …
Having inclusion issues! It may sound strange, but try excluding the device first! Exclusion is a simple process that can be done even if the device has never been included to the hub. It simply acts as a soft Z-Wave reset for the device, and helps resolve any connectivity or configuration issues. Important Note …
Inclusion issues? Try the simplest resolution: simply give the exclusion process a try! It may seem counter-intuitive, but the easiest way to resolve inclusion or configuration issues is by excluding the device first! It can be done at any time, even if a device has never been included to the hub! Another way to thi…
Having an issue including your new ZEN53 DC Motor Controller? No worries, simply give the exclusion process a try! It sounds counter-intuitive, but exclusion is the best and simplest way to resolve any inclusion or configuration issues. It can be done at any time, even if a device has never been included to the hub!…
Unable to include your ZEN55 Smoke & CO Detector Bridge? It may sound counter-intuitive, but the best and simplest resolution is a process called exclusion. Exclusion is another name for "unpairing," "disconnecting," or "removing" a device. This simple process acts as a soft Z-Wave reset that can assist with various…
Having issues including the ZEN05 Outdoor Smart Plug to Home Assistant? Let's try excluding it first! The best part: a device doesn't need to be included first to be excluded - and it'll help with any configuration or connectivity issues! 800 series only: Exclusion before inclusion applies to the 700 series and ear…
Having trouble including your ZEN55 to the Z-Box? Let's start simple: give the exclusion process a try! It may seem counter-intuitive, but the easiest way to resolve inclusion or configuration issues is by excluding the device first! Exclusion can be done at any time, even if a device has never been included to the …