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Showing articles from Compatible Devices tag

What Devices Can I Use with My ZEN05 Outdoor Plug?

## The ZEN05 Outdoor Plug can handle up to 960 W incandescent, 150 W LED bulbs, 15 A resistive loads, and up to 1/3 HP fan motors. Make sure the load you are about to connect does NOT exceed the load maximums above. Connecting heavy duty equipment to the Outdoor Plug will DAMAGE the device and may cause the connected…

ZAC38 Range Extender & Compatible Hubs

## **Which Z-Wave hubs will work with my ZAC38 Range Extender?** The Range Extender was verified as compatible with the following Z-Wave systems: * **[Z-Box Hub][1] (recommended for all Zooz products)** * Home Assistant (Z-Wave JS) * [Hubitat][2] (2.2.9 or higher): custom driver needed to access advanced setti…

ZSE43 Tilt | Shock XS Sensor & Compatible Hubs

## The Tilt |Shock XS Sensor is compatible with the following Z-Wave systems: * **[Z-Box Hub][1] (recommended for all Zooz products)** * Home Assistant * Homey ([Zooz App for Homey][2]) * Hubitat (2.3.0 or higher) * SmartThings with custom lua edge driver **The sensor is NOT supported by Wink, Ring, Alarm.…

Why Can't I Use a Fan or Charger with My ZEN06 Smart Plug?

### While the ZEN06 Smart Plug is a super reliable solution for enabling your lamps and small appliances with remote Z-Wave control, not all types of devices are a good fit for the device. **The ZEN06 Smart Plug can safely be used with**: * Floor lamps * TV’s and Audio / Video Equipment * Computers / PCs / La…

Which Appliances Should I Avoid Using with My ZEN15 Power Switch?

### The ZEN15 Power Switch can automate a wide range of common 110V appliances, but not every device is a good fit: **You may safely use the ZEN15 Power Switch with:** * 110V refrigerators rated at or below 15A * 110V window and split AC units rated at or below 15A * 110V Humidifiers and dehumidifiers * 110V…

Zooz Device Compatibility

## Adding new devices to your smart home is always exciting, but let's make sure they're compatible with your hub! While your hub may support Z-Wave devices, it may not always properly recognize a given device or give you access to all of the device's advanced settings or functionality. It is up to the hub platform t…

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