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Showing articles from ZSE40 tag

What Happens if My Zooz Device Has Been Discontinued?

## It's out with the old and in with the new. The world of Z-Wave is constantly changing and improving to give you the fastest, strongest, most secure smart home experience - and so is Zooz! _What Kind of Changes Can Occur With Zooz Devices?_ * **Firmware changes** * New firmware can be applied to your exist…

ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor Manual Wake-Up Process

## Incomplete configuration during inclusion? Pending changes? You may need to wake your sensor manually! You may need to wake the sensor up manually if it doesn’t fully configure during set-up (values are not displayed or errors pop up in your hub’s interface) or if you change advanced settings for the sensor and wa…

How to Access Advanced Settings for ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor on Home Assistant

## Adjust the Advanced Parameters to customize the ZSE40 700 4-in-1 Sensor! The ZSE40 700 is integrated with the [latest JS integration of Home Assistant][1]. If you aren't on the JS integration yet, Home Assistant currently recommends handling Z-Wave devices through the new [Z-Wave JS integration][2] since all other…

My ZSE40 is Draining the Battery Quickly on Hubitat

## If your ZSE40 4-in-1 sensor seems to be eating through batteries, then you may need to connect it without security. For the **C-7 hub specifically**, it currently doesn't allow non-secure inclusion for S0 devices but we have found a work around to try in the meantime (thanks [bill.d][1]!). While there's nothing we…

My ZSE40 is Draining the Battery Quickly on Home Assistant

## Your sensor's security level may be affecting its battery life - let's try fixing that! The ZSE40 normally supports S0 for Z-Wave security, which is considered paired securely for the ZSE40. However, on HA, we recommend pairing the device without security to optimize your sensor's performance and battery life. We…

My ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor Shows Offline in Hubitat

## If your ZSE40 4-in-1 sensor’s status is showing as “offline”, it may indicate an issue of range or configuration. A Z-Wave Network Repair may help resolve the issue. You’ll want to start by checking that your Hubitat platform is up-to-date. Once you’ve checked, you can use the steps below to run the repair which w…

ZSE40 4-in1 Sensor FAQs

## **Frequently Asked Questions About the ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor** Find the answers to your questions quickly by searching key words! 1. Press the CTRL and F keys at the same time on your keyboard. A little box should pop up in your browser window. 2. Type in a key word in your question like "hub" or "compatible". …

My ZSE40 is Draining the Battery Quickly on My Z-Wave System

## If your Z-Wave system allows you to select the security level of a device during inclusion, then your ZSE40 battery issues may be solved. The security level of your ZSE40 sensor can influence its battery life and responsiveness due to how some systems implemented S0 security integration. We recommend including it …

My ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor Disappeared from My Vera Dashboard

### Including your sensor on older firmware and can't see the motion value anymore? Here's what to try: As of mid-July 2018, the 4-in-1 sensor's [official Vera integration][1] has been released, allowing you to choose the sensor from the device list and add it with preconfigured settings. However, those of you using …

Why is My ZSE40 4-in-1 Sensor Not Recognized by Wink?

## Unfortunately, Wink doesn't recognize any type of multi-level sensors regardless of brand. Wink also doesn't support many of the newer Z-Wave Plus devices based on the updated command classes. [Here's more][1] about the 4-in-1 Sensor's compatibility. And if you're looking for a system that's more open and flexibl…

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