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Showing articles from ZEN22 tag

How Do I Perform Hard Reset on My ZEN22 Dimmer Switch?

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ## Trouble with your ZEN22 Dimmer? Give a reset a try! If you've already tried excluding the dimmer from your network, and your ZEN22 Dimmer is unresponsive to manual and Z-Wave control, then a factory reset is the next step. A…

Can't Add My ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to My Z-Wave System

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ### Exclusion should be your go-to move. Exclusion will essentially reset the device and help with a variety of configuration issues. A device doesn't need to be included to your network to get excluded by your controller. Here…

Can't Add My ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to Vera

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ### Exclusion is the first thing to try. It doesn't just remove devices from your network - it also acts as a reset! Begin by trying to [include][3] the dimmer once more, adding it as a Generic Z-Wave device. Once inclusion tim…

How to Add Your ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to Your Z-Wave System

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ### First thing's first. Check that the dimmer works fine when controlled manually. After that, we can move on to the Z-Wave part of the installation. We use the term "include" when we want to add or pair a device - it may be h…

How to Add Your ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to Home Assistant

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ### Before including the dimmer to your network, confirm that it works manually without issue. Once you've determined that the switch works fine as a manual light switch, it's time to add it to your Home Assistant network. Here…

How to Add Your ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to Hubitat

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ## The ZEN22 Dimmer Switch can be included easily to your Hubitat hub since it is officially integrated. It supports S2 security so if you are using a C-7 hub, please make sure to pair your ZEN22 switch as **S2 Unauthenticated*…

Can't Add My ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to Wink

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ### Sometimes you'll have trouble including a device because it's stuck in "configuration limbo." Here's what to try: Exclusion is one of the most useful troubleshooting solutions for Z-Wave devices. It's like resetting the dev…

How to Access Advanced Settings for ZEN22 Dimmer Switch on Hubitat

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ## If you don’t see all the advanced settings for your ZEN22 in device view on Hubitat, you might need to install a custom device driver. Confirm that your hub is operating on the latest platform version first. Then check that …

How to Add Your ZEN22 Dimmer Switch to Vera

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ### Once your dimmer is wired up and working well manually, you can tackle the Z-Wave part of the installation: To include the Dimmer Switch, go to your Vera app interface: 1. Select the **Devices** tab. Then click on the gray…

I've Wired Up My ZEN22 Dimmer Switch but There's No Manual Control

This is product is discontinued and replaced with [ZEN72][1]. [What does that mean? ][2] ### **Before anything, check the air gap switch. ** This is the small switch underneath the paddle. It's an additional safety feature that cuts power to the dimmer when you're changing bulbs. **When pushed out, power is disable…

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