Exclusion is the simplest way to resolve any inclusion issues! Just follow the simple steps below. Exclusion can help with any inclusion or configuration issues. It acts as a soft reset and can be done even if your ZAC38 Range Extender has never been added to the network. Here are the steps to remove the ZAC38 Ra…
Having trouble including the ZEN53 to SmartThings? Please ensure you have the lua Edge driver installed for the ZEN53, in order for the device to be correctly recognized and configured on SmartThings. If you have the driver installed, try excluding the device before including. The device can be excluded at any tim…
Z-Wave Direct Association is a feature of Z-Wave technology that allows for direct communication between Z-Wave devices without needing to go through the Z-Wave hub/controller. With Direct Association, devices can be linked together so that one device can trigger actions on another device within the Z-Wave network, e…
Having an issue with your ZEN04 Smart Plug showing offline in SmartThings? The first thing to rule out is any potential range or connectivity issues. Take a peek at the simple troubleshooting steps below to resolve the issue. Let's start by refreshing your mesh network connections via a network repair: * Open yo…
Trouble with inclusion? It may sound counterintuitive but give exclusion a try! Exclusion is simply a hub-based reset, and can be done at any time, whether a device has been included to the hub or not. It acts as a soft reset for the device and the process can help with any inclusion or configuration issues. Please …
Connectivity issues got you down? If you have included the ZEN54 0-010V Dimmer to SmartThings but it's showing offline, it may be a range or connectivity issue. The best place to start is with the Network Repair feature in the SmartThings app to help refresh your mesh network connections. Steps for Network Repair…
Struggling with connectivity issues? Your ZEN55 DC Signal Sensor is included to SmartThings but it's showing offline? Let's rule out any potential range or connectivity issues first. The best place to start is with the Network Repair feature in the SmartThings app to help refresh your mesh network connections. The r…
Having an issue including your new ZEN55 DC Signal Sensor? Check that you have the lua Edge driver installed for the ZEN55 , to ensure the device will be correctly recognized and configured on SmartThings. Once you have verified that the proper driver is installed, you will want to start by excluding the device bef…
If your ZEN53 DC Motor Controller is successfully included to your SmartThings hub but still shows offline, it may be a range or connectivity issue. Start by using the Network Repair feature in the SmartThings app to refresh your mesh network's connections. Steps for Network Repair below: * Open your SmartThing…
Ready to add your ZEN53 DC Motor Controller to SmartThings? The process is quick and easy! Just follow the simple steps below to have your Motor Controller included to SmartThings. You'll be able to control the device connected to your Motor Controller from the app, create on/off schedules for it and use it in more c…