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Showing articles from Network Repair tag

My ZAC36 Valve Actuator Shows Offline in Hubitat

# Does your ZAC36 show up as "offline" in Hubitat? This could be due to a range or configuration issue. Try a Z-Wave Network Repair! Ensure your Hubitat hub is up to date on its platform version. Please follow the steps below to run the Z-Wave Repair to refresh your Z-Wave mesh network connections: 1. Open **Hubit…

My ZEN52 Double Relay Shows Offline in Vera

# Are you unable to control your ZEN52 Double Relay via Z-Wave commands? This could point to a range or connectivity issue. After ensuring your ZEN52 Double Relay was paired successfully, the next best step is to refresh the connections in your mesh network, by utilizing the **Update Neighbor Nodes **feature in Vera.…

My ZEN74 Toggle Dimmer is Offline in Home Assistant

## If your ZEN74 Dimmer is not responding to Z-Wave commands, you may need to refresh the network. With a range of 500 feet (line of sight), your ZEN74 can still be affected by interferences like large furniture, thick walls, and metal elements. Ultimately range is determined by the specific structure of your home an…

My ZEN77 S2 Dimmer is Offline in Hubitat

## If your ZEN77 is showing as “offline” in Hubitat, it may be out of range or not configured properly. The issue could be resolved with a simple Z-Wave Network Repair. You’ll want to check that your Hubitat platform is running on the most up-to- date version first. Once you’ve done that, you can try repairing your n…

My ZEN73 On/Off Toggle Switch is Offline in Hubitat

## A Network Repair can help improve communication between Hubitat and your ZEN73 switch if it is showing “offline” in Hubitat. See if your Hubitat platform is updated to the latest version before performing a Z-Wave Network Repair. It’s an easy process to repair your network connections in Hubitat. **Here are the s…

My ZEN76 S2 Switch is Offline in Hubitat

## An “offline” status in Hubitat could mean your ZEN76 switch is out of range or hasn’t configured properly. Running a Z-Wave Network Repair may solve the problem. First, you’ll want to verify your Hubitat platform is updated to the latest version. Then you can follow these steps to run the repair on your network co…

My ZEN73 Toggle Switch is Offline in Home Assistant

## Trouble controlling your ZEN73 via Z-Wave? Here's what you can try. The 500 line of sight range of your ZEN73 can be affected by interferences like large furniture, thick walls, and metal elements. Ultimately range is determined by the specific structure of your home and the strength of your mesh network. If you'r…

My ZAC36 Valve Actuator Shows Offline in Home Assistant

## **If the ZAC36 is included to Home Assistant but is unresponsive to commands, you may need to try healing the network.** Large furniture, thick walls, or metal elements can cause interference and shorten the range. Z-Wave range is determined by the structure of your home and the strength of your mesh network. If y…

My ZEN72 Dimmer is Offline in Hubitat

## Connectivity issues with your ZEN72 Dimmer? We've got some solutions! There's a few troubleshooting steps you can take to improve the connection between your ZEN72 and Hubitat. You can use **Repair Z-Wave, **a helpful feature for updating your network's connections. We recommend checking that your Hubitat is runni…

My ZEN52 Double Relay Shows Offline in Home Assistant

Is the ZEN52 included to Home Assistant, but unresponsive to commands? You may need to heal the network. Interferences like furniture, thick walls, or metal elements can shorten range. The range for the device is determined by the specific structure of your home and the strength of your mesh network. If you're seeing…

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