This is product is discontinued and replaced with ZSE70 . What does that mean? Check to make sure you're following the right steps for manual or auto-inclusion since the inclusion process for each is a little different. The ZSE29 VER 2.0 is a motion and lux sensor now, and is officially integrated with SmartThing…
With the latest transition to the lua platform , SmartThings will no longer support groovy-based device handlers. Don't worry, we've created a new custom Edge driver for the ZEN27 Switch for the lua platform! Below are the instructions on how to install the new Edge driver. If you haven't added one before, just fol…
This is product is discontinued and replaced with ZSE70 . What does that mean? Now that SmartThings has transitioned to the new lua platfor m, the original Groovy custom device handlers are no longer supported. We have created new custom Edge drivers specifically for the lua platform to ensure our devices are re…
This is product is discontinued and does not have a replacement yet. New product in development. What does that mean? As a SmartThings user, yours is one of the only Z-Wave hubs that gives you the ability to assign built-in audio messages to your ZSE19 Multisiren and use them in rules and automations. This is beca…
SmartThings is slowly transitioning from the legacy groovy platform to the new lua platform . This creates new challenges for seamless integration as well as access to key and advanced features of our devices. As usual, we're committed to providing the best possible experience to all of our customers, regardless of …
Add your ZEN32 Scene Controller to SmartThings in no time! First, you'll want to install the Edge driver for the ZEN32 Scene Controller. The instructions can be found here . You can then follow these steps to pair your ZEN32: * Tap the plus icon in the home screen of the SmartThings app * Tap Device * Tap …
Add your ZEN30 Double Switch to SmartThings in no time! First, you'll want to install the custom driver for the ZEN30 Double Switch. The instructions can be found here . You can then follow these steps to pair your Double Switch: * Tap the plus icon in the home screen of the SmartThings app * Tap Device * …
You'll need to install the custom Edge driver to add the MultiRelay correctly and have full control of all the device's channels. Please follow the instructions found here to install the Edge driver for the ZEN16 Multirelay . With the driver installed, here's how you can add the MultiRelay to your system: * Ta…
You will need to install the Edge driver to have the device properly recognized on SmartThings. Please follow the instructions here to install the driver before you include the Remote Switch. We recommend the below method as the most efficient way to add any 700 series device that supports SmartStart: * Tap the …
You can automate your standard garage door with the MultiRelay following the steps below. Remember to check your local safety regulations first and make sure you test the device thoroughly after programming it to prevent accidental operation. The ZEN16 MultiRelay is NOT a reliable solution to track the open/close sta…