Here are the technical details and specs for the ZEN54 0-10V Dimmer: * Z-Wave Frequency : 908.42 MHz (US) * Power : 120-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz * Maximum Loads : 4 A, 480W at 120V, 960 W at 240V * Z-Wave Range : Up to 300 feet line of sight or up to a mile with Long Range enabled) * Dimensions : 1.5" tall, 1.4" wid…
Here is a full list of advanced settings (parameters) for the ZEN54 0-10 V Dimmer VER. 1.10 firmware: On / Off Status After Power Failure Parameter 1: Set the on/off status or brightness level for the dimmer after power failure. Values: 0 – forced to OFF (regardless of state prior to power outage); 1-99 – force…
SmartThings is slowly transitioning from the legacy groovy platform to the new lua platform . This creates new challenges for seamless integration as well as access to key and advanced features of our devices. As usual, we're committed to providing the best possible experience to all of our customers, regardless of …